Free Yourself – Cut the Clutter

FREE Yourself – Cut the Clutter!
Have you ever watched any of those televisions shows like Clean House or Hoarders? Do you ever feel like you can really relate to the homeowners or businesses owners that are in the shows? Do they make you realize that you also need to make a change?
I am so excited because, in the last week, I have met more people in that type of position, who are ready to make the smart choice to cut their clutter and get back to living life. Now we are trying to get them all on the schedule!
So what made the difference for them? Why did they finally make the decision to call?
There are a lot of reasons that made them pick up the phone or send an email. The main reasons are:
1. They are ready to get on with their life.
2. It is affecting their health.
3. It is costing them lots of money to keep everything.
4. They are ready to make a change in their relationship, i.e. family and/or spouse.
5. They have realized that there is help! They don’t have to do it alone.
So why now?
There are three main reasons that people are making the phone call now to rid themselves of clutter.
1. They are in danger of losing their home and/or a valuable relationship.
2. Because we are heading into another year and they are ready for change.
3. The cost of staying unorganized is not an option any more.
And How Will they all get organized?
Getting organized takes time, energy and patience. The clutter didn’t accumulate overnight and it isn’t going away overnight! You need a strategy and a plan of:
1. Where to start
2. A place that things can go – until they can be donated or eliminated (they can’t stay in the same space). This is why you see Clean House using the front lawn for everything!
3. Sometimes, a team of people to help you! Realizing that you just can’t do it alone is an important step to making a change.
4. A vision of what you would like to have your home look after it is organized.
Getting organized isn’t easy. And, honestly, it can get old trying to get to it a little at a time if your project is big. Try blocking out a bigger chunk of time and incorporating the help of family and friends. The big thing to remember about having a “crew” to help you eliminate your clutter is that you have one person that is in charge of your goal. This person needs to be able to easily make the decision of what you want to eliminate and what to keep. When making a decision, the answer is “yes” or “no”. A “maybe” or “I need to think about it” is not an option. And remember this, take scheduled and time-limited breaks during your day. A 15 minute break every few hours will help you keep your motivation to finish the project.
Set Yourself FREE…Cut the Clutter today!
Linda Clevenger, Organization Direct