Save Money Using Coupons
There is a lot of interest in couponing lately, and if you watch TLC’s Extreme Couponing you know that people take it very seriously. Extreme savings as shown on the show is not the norm, but with a few key organizational tools you can be on your way to slashing your grocery budget too.
Where to find coupons
Coupons are everywhere. You find them stuck on products (called “peelies”), on tear pads in many stores, in the Sunday newspaper, on Facebook, in your email, and online. To find deals, be sure to “like” the product or company on Facebook, follow them on Twitter, and sign up for their emails. Many products, like Seventh Generation and Kellogg’s, send out coupons via email regularly. Here is a list of great websites to find coupons:
How to organize your coupons
Organizing your coupons is essential, and you have to find the system that works best for you. Some people organize by item type, brand name, or expiration date. Keeping grocery coupons separate from shopping coupons (like department stores) or dining coupons is a good idea, because you don’t need a Macy’s coupon at Giant! To get started on your coupon binder, check out this video:
Or, you can check out this great coupon holder on our website.
Other coupon tips
Since so many companies and products utilize emails as a direct marketing tool, open a new email account solely for these emails. This way, the deals don’t clog your regular inbox.
Printing coupons can get costly so only print the ones you will actually use, but remember that there is a print limit on online coupons so if you see one you know you want, don’t wait!
Join a coupon exchange. Locally you can join the Stafford/Fredericksburg Coupon Exchange on Facebook here and share coupons you have to trade and ones you are looking for.
Know store coupon policies! This is very important as many store cashiers do not know what their own coupon policy is. is a very good list of store policies and you can print the ones you need and keep them in your binder. Coupon policies change frequently, especially with the popularity of Extreme Couponing, so make sure you have the most current one.
Amazon has coupons! Search “coupons” and it will take you to “Your Coupon Book” where you can clip virtual coupons to apply to your order.
For good deals on dining out visit where you can purchase gift certificates to local restaurants like Pancho Villa and Eileen’s, at a steep discount.
Learn to “stack” coupons. Most stores, such as Target, will accept a store coupon AND a manufacturer coupon for the same item. Read more about stacking here
To learn more
Visit these websites and sign up for their free newsletters to receive tips, updates, coupon match-ups, and other deals.
Finally, remember to check the store circular and make a list with your coupons before you go. Sticking to your list is the best way to save money at the store!
Posted by Cristina Gonzales for Organization Direct