
What is Your Red Light?

What is Your Red Light?

Do you have goals that you are striving to reach fortraffic light red 2012?  As we finish up the first quarter, take a look at where what goals you have reached this year.  Personally, I have completed 2 Goals.  One was to take a 10 day vacation….done!  The other was to hire my business coach/mentor, Melanie Yost….done too!  And what a difference it has made.  I knew that working with the right coach would help me launch my business all over again…but I never would have thought that taking a vacation would be “good” for business.  What a surprise!  (This was our first “real” family vacation in 9 years!)

What is your red light that keeps you from reaching your goals?  My personal red light was having to get over myself.  I needed the expertise of an outside source who could help me see the much bigger picture.  Drawing from the insight, expertise and experience from a business coach and mentor has allowed me to see the big picture of where and how  I can help businesses with their organizing needs.  When your focus can become crystal clear, obstacles seem to just disappear.    

Giving yourself the green light to:  move forward, make decisions (that are right for your business), have a direct line that will allow you take the next step – then another step, and another…. is the best feeling ever! 

With the first quarter of 2012 history, think of how you can adjust and overcome obstacles for the rest of the year.  Here are some suggestions that may help:

1.  Write it all down.  Keeping your desires, dreams and goals in your head is not a good idea.  It is much easier to remind yourself and stay focused on your goals when you can glance up from your desk and see them staring you in the face.  That is how I was able to complete 2 goals this year.

2.  Include time in your schedule to take care of yourself.   Running a business is usually just 1 of our “jobs”.  And, you really don’t know when “life” will happen that can distract your focus.  Let’s just say that 2008 and 2009 were interesting years!  My schedule had to be rearranged, and was interrupted quite often, and I put other family members in front of my own needs.  Now that I am taking personal time, even if it is only 30 minutes a day, I feel regenerated and revived every day.  Reading motivational material has also made a difference in my mindset and thought patterns.     

3.    Develop your business systems and processes.  Have processes so that when you are contacted by a prospect or potential client you make the sale.  Put a client management system in place that documents your progress and comments.  Allow your business to flow and avoid that stressful feeling of missed appointments and deadlines.  Know your daily schedule and be able to plan ahead.  Identify what sucks your time away and make adjustments.  Develop new habits that are productive and beneficial to your own mental and emotional health and your business.

Here’s to a productive and successful day, month and year! 

Linda Clevenger                                                                                                                   Organization Direct