I’m Back!
It has been a while since I wrote a blog. I have no excuses. Please accept my apologies.
What has been happening is a lot of Great stuff!

We have been super busy helping people in the following situations;
- Elimination of items
- Reclaiming their home from clutter
- Downsizing and Rightsizing
- Hoarders who their home back
- Retired couples who just can’t agree on what to keep
- Deaths
- Helping people declutter to get their home on the real estate market
What’s New!
We have a new Charity of Choice for anything household and furniture. I ran across an old (not age old just long time old) friend, Linda Cooke. She is a Home Stager and introduced me to Vets on Track. A local group who helps Veterans and First Responders get back on their feet by providing them with the items that they need to furnish and supply their “new” home, apartment or condo.
The primary focus of the Vets on Track Program is to help veterans and first responders and their families with the transition from living on the streets to living in a home, or for those who may just need a little extra support. As we travel the country and participate in grass-roots outreach programs, we will ask for community support in collecting much needed items to fill each new veterans home with fundamental pieces – it’s the simple things that make a house a home! (taken from their website).
Because of our new relationship with Vets on Track, many clients are making the decision to downsize even more because their donations will be made to a family in need – not a Thrift Store.
This is Work!
Making these donations is more work for Organization Direct. We have to coordinate the donations to get them to the warehouse for Vets on Track (which is all run by volunteers) so sometimes we have to hold items in our storage area until the timing is right. It would be easier to make the donations to a charity such as Goodwill or Salvation Army – but there is no guarantee that the people who need the items the most will be the ones that receive the furniture.
So….it just makes sense to do the extra work to help people in need. And, we don’t mind at all!
Helping our Veterans
Helping our Veterans is near and dear to my heart. My husband is a Veteran – he served 20 years in the Marine Corps, served in Desert Storm and Desert Shield and served our Country with pride! I spent 12 years of his 20 year service with him in North Carolina, Florida and finally in Virginia and loved every minute of “my” service.
Vets on Track allows me (through client donations) help Veterans and make a difference.
If you have items that you would like to donate to Vets on Track give us a call. We can help you arrange pick-up and delivery and would be happy to help!