4 Tips for Organizing a Budget in Uncertain Times

Especially in today’s world, we’ve learned that anything can happen and there will be times that we have to adapt to unfortunate circumstances. It’s important to know, however, that you can still thrive throughout these uncertain times by getting and staying organized-especially when it comes to your money.
Say you lose your job or experience a detrimental pay cut and you have to adjust your spending to make ends meet. Or, maybe your furnace kicks the bucket and you need to cough up a good chunk of cash to get it fixed.
Life is most definitely unpredictable and keeping your finances organized is key to thriving despite any money troubles. Here are some ways you can take charge of your finances and come out stronger when life goes back to normal.
- Organize your finances.
The first step is to outline all of your expenses on paper and evalute how much you’re spending and what you’re spending it on. After all, how can you make any changes when you haven’t identified your financial strengths and weaknesses? Not only should you see where you can adjust, but you should also set a strict budget that you will move forward with-especially one that is sterner than your previous spending routine. Find a monthly budget that allows you to keep your spending to an absolute minimum and pay down your any mandatory debts at the same time in order to stay on top of your finances during a crisis.
2. Slash extra spending
While many of the activities you spend money on are not currently accessible like ball games, concerts, and eating out at restaurants, there are many more ways you can cut expenses at home. For example, with major expenses like a mortgage or any other hefty loan, you can often refinance them to lower both your monthly payments and interest rates. On a smaller scale, bundling subscriptions, making meals in bulk, and buying energy-efficient appliances can save you up to hundreds of dollars per month.
Check out other options that will allow you the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars a month on your electric bill. Since we are now spending way too much at home, you should consider changing some of your utility providers. Electricity is the highest-paid service; therefore, you should look for light companies with no deposit options that offer you a customizable plan based on your needs and your pocket.
3. See where you can get relief
There’s no shame in seeking out help. Take advantage of any opportunities laid out for you so that when you’re faced with financial troubles you’re most prepared. You may be aware that, in the current global crisis, the government has enabled mortgage relief programs for those who are living off fractions of the incomes they once earned. If your mortgage is an FHA loan for example, you can qualify for a forbearance, which can ease a lot of financial stress in hard times. Similarly, federal student loans have been suspended to soften the economic blow on certain individuals. Familiarize yourself with your specific type of mortgage or student loan to find out if you qualify for any relief to lessen the weight of your outstanding debt.
4. Continue to save
It’s understandable when a crisis impacts the amount of money yo have the spend, but that should not impede your saving efforts altogether. Continue to put practical amounts into your savings account to give you a safety net when money gets tight or incidents take place. If you don’t have a lot of money to put away due to a loss of income, take some of the money you saved by cutting your unnecessary expenses and put it toward your emergency fund. Not only will this give you a safety net in the short term, but it will make you more prepared to deal with any other emergencies in the long run.
We hope that you enjoy these tips and can begin to implement them one at a time.
Remember…if you need help with anything give us a call @ 540-220-5912.