Document Management

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Most people are in information overload; there is so much that we feel we need to know, and since we can’t remember everything, we save it on our computers, laptops and iPads (somewhere).

According to a survey by SearchYourCloud, workers take up to 8 searches to find the right document and information. According to a McKinsey report, employees spend 18 hours every day –9.3 hours per week, on average—searching and gathering information.

Whether you are filing your documents in a filing cabinet or in your computer, how you file your documents will dictate several things:

  • The ease that you can find them
  • The speed that you can retrieve them when needed
  • The time and cost spent searching for documents
  • Your preparation to take your company to the next level (sell your company or plan a succession)
  • The preparation of your taxes

Having a great document management system will save you time, money, energy and also increase productivity!

We offer several options and methods to manage your documents and identify your home inventory. We strive to help you create a plan that allows you to easily identify where all of your important documents are stored and also be able to easily update your information on an as needed basis (at least annually).

Reclaim Your Space and Take Back Your Life

Clutter and chaos can cause stress, anxiety and affect your home life and your productivity at work; sometimes, it is just too much for you to handle by yourself. At Organization Direct, we have personalized organizing solutions that work with your lifestyle to de-clutter, organize and transform your home and office. Contact us today! Don’t Agonize – Get Organized with Organization Direct!
